Mistakes That Can Worsen Your Acne
Picking. You wake up in the morning, look up yourself in the mirror and you notice another breakout. Even though you know it’s bad you can’t resist having a pop at it. Picking pimples does not really help control the excess sebum, clogging of pore spaces and other factors that contribute to the acne. It only leaves you with long term effects like scars and dark spots.
Trying out Everything without medical/specialist supervision. Jumping from one cream to another without a scientific base for it will only expose you to irritating and harmful substances that may worsen your acne and leave you worse off. Steroids based creams are a culprit in particular. They abound in supermarkets and pharmacies. All they do is to give you some initial resolution and bleaching effects. In the long term you get a very bad case of rebound acne.
Not being careful with the kind of cleansers you use. Some of them may not be good for your skin. You have to know your skin type and the right cleansers on the road.
Believing every dubious advice you receive from friends, shop keepers and cosmetic sales agent. If your acne is giving you problems, then its time you see a dermatologist. Relying on the advice of shop keepers and relatives, no matter how well intentioned is not the best. Every skin is peculiar and sometimes combination with topical creams and additional procedures like professional chemical peels tailored to your skin type may be necessary .
Inconsistency. Only using your creams when you have break outs; You need to use your prescribed topical medications regularly and consistently. Intermittent use or using them only when you have breakouts is not going to give you the desired results. A lot of patience is needed with treatment of acne.