Causes of Dark Skin in the Groin Area (Inner thighs)

Ever wondered what causes those that areas in your groin? You have probably heard is caused by a fungal infection. But that's not the only cause. The area is warm, moist and so is predisposed o all sorts of infection and conditions. Here are some of the commonest causes of discoloration in the groin 1.Seborheic dermatitis: This is chronic recurrent inflammatory lesion whose cause is not completely understood, but is believe to be associated with the proliferation of various commensal malassezia yeast organism. Other areas of the body it affects are hair bearing areas like the scalp( dandruff), the armpits, under the breast, skin folds and mid facial region 2. Tinea cruris: this is fungal infection by caused by dermatophytes. It is usually characterized by a well outlined patch of discoursed skin and often accompanied by itching. This is known as jock itch in some parts of the world. It responds to properly applied antifungals. Predisposing factors like poor hygiene and obesity. It can be spread by sharing towels . 3. Candidiasis; Candidal infection can cause discoloration of the skin fold or complicate another cause. It usually occurs in other warm moist parts of the body like the areas between the toes, under the breast etc. Microscopy or culture can help diagnose the condition 4. Erythrasma is another condition that can cause confusion as it also discoloured the groin. The predisposing factors are warm moist areas, excessive sweating, decrease immunity, poor hygiene, diabetes , obesity and skin of colour. It is caused by the bacterium corynebacterium minutissimum. It usually occurs as well defined, dark,scaly patch with fissures in the groin and other predisposed areas like the armpits. 5. Acanthosis Nigricans is another cause of dark pigmentation in the groin. The affected skin is slightly thick and velvety. There are benign and malignant causes. Benign causes include obesity, insulin resistance and heredity. The malignant causes are usually an underlaying cancer somewhere in the body which needs to be searched for if suspected by a thorough medical work up. The malignant cause is uncommon and usually affects the elderly.
There are other causes of discoloration in the groin area not listed above.
If you have a bothersome discoloration of the groin please contact us so we can help determine the cause and the appropriate treatment.