Moles: what about moles?

Moles are skin lesions that are generally benign occurring anywhere on the skin. The clustering of melanocytes give rise to moles. They are more accurately referred to as melanocytic nevus.
What are the types of moles?
Congenital:Moles can appear at birth, in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. When moles appear early in life, before the age of 25 years , they most times remain benign and may not cause much concern.
Acquired:Most moles that are appear later in life are as a result of sun exposure . Sometimes,these are the ones that become problematic.
How do moles look?
Normal moles appear as small spots usually the size of an eraser of a pencil and can also be of larger centimeters.They could be flat or raised, round and regularly shaped. It may be brown or black and can occur in any part of the body . They are generally commoner in fair skinned people. Moles in the palms and soles of the feet are commoner in people of African or Asian descent
Are there any complications associated with moles?
Most moles are largely harmless. However, it's good to know that some skin cancers are from moles.
Signs such as itching, pain, swelling, oozing, colour change, ragged edge, persisting open sore, elevation, bleeding , crusting would require the attention of a dermatologist. These ain't good signs for moles.
Skin doctors use the ABCDEs of melanoma(skin cancer) to define atypical moles.
A Asymmetry. One half of the mole looks different from the other half.
B Border. The border are edges are irregular, blurred or ragged.
C Colour. If the colour is not the same throughout or has shades of tan, brown, black, blue,white or red
D Diameter. Greater than the eraser of a pencil.
E Evolution. Changing shape, colour, and size or appearance of the mole after 40 years.
How are they treated?
Moles can be removed for cosmetic reasons , if they constitute a nuisance or are threatening to become skin cancer.
They can be treated by excision or shave biopsy or by electrosurgical destruction
Simple measures like avoiding tanning, skin burn, applying sunscreen, seeking professional skin exam yearly,can help prevent skin cancers occuring from moles.
If you have a mole and you are concerned about it you can ewach out to us. Book an appointment to see our dermatologist